History of jam
Many people's sweet memories of childhood can be associated with jam. It is in its own way is a unique and beloved by everyone delicacy which is always appropriate on the table, both as a breakfast, and as a dessert after a dense dinner. Berry or fruit jam, it has a unique taste and certainly will not be forgotten for many more decades.
Jam is a product of processing fruits and berries, which acquire a jelly-like consistency by means of long cooking and rubbing the fruit through a sieve. For this food product, only fresh ingredients are used, which have retained all its acids and pectic substances as much as possible. Otherwise, there will not be a jam.
The jam can have a uniform consistency, or include pieces of not-dried berries. In the first case, the product will be called homogeneous, and in the second case it will be called heterogeneous. It is interesting to note that there are varieties of jams that do not lose their qualities at a temperature of 220 ° C.
History of product
В России этот продукт имеет меньшую популярность, хотя сегодня на полках магазинов можно найти самые разные.
The origins of the jam are not specifically described, however, there is a legend according to which Scotch Janit Keiller prepared a dessert of bitter oranges delivered by her husband from Spanish ships sheltering from the weather in the bay of Dundee. According to this story, after the moment people tried this dessert, they began to call it after the name Jenith, which gradually evolved into "jam". It is impossible to say how reliable this legend is, but taking it on faith, we can assume that the appearance of this product belongs to the XVIII century.
In turn, jam is very quickly spread and especially beloved by the inhabitants of England. Still this sweet delicacy is considered to be one of the traditional products of the foggy Albion, as any tourist is able to make sure in it because - almost every breakfast of a Briton consists of a sandwich with fresh jam.
In Russia, this product is less popular, although today on the shelves you can find a variety of it.
The difference between jam and preserves
Both jam and preserves, are all your favorite foods, which perfectly complement breakfasts, desserts and just cheer up. Only today it can be said with certainty that people began to really distinguish all these two products from each other, although until recently almost everything that was not jam was preserve.
So, how the jam differentiates from preserve, which in turn had a lot of popularity among fans? The production of jam comes exclusively from fresh, and sometimes somewhat unripe fruit, containing a large amount of pectin. For example, from apples. This allows you to achieve maximum gelling of the product. In the case of preserve, finally ripe, overripe and damaged fruits are used, which, as a rule, are pre-grinded or finely chopped. Sometimes this is done after the preparation of the bulk of the product, but before the final addition of sugar. And in the case of both jam and preserve, during cooking it is necessary to stir and strictly control that the fruit-and-sugar mixture is not burnt.